Sunday 26 November 2017

Unilag Olodo Blogger Raped Me - Nigeria Lady Confesses

There has been a progressing pattern about assault on twitter thus numerous women have been sharing their stories on how they have been sexually bugged.

The Story

A woman just charged a mainstream blogger, Ibrahim Salawu otherwise called Unilag Olodo of assault.

What we heard?

The woman uncovered this data when she answered to a tweet around a progressing development in most Nigerian Universities called 'R and B', which signifies 'Assault and Beg'.

What she said?

The woman clarified how she met him through her closest companion and how she began conversing with Unilag Olodo before she chose to visit him. She likewise clarified how he began touching her and how she beseeched him to give her rest access the bath.

"At that point he began imploring me, revealing to me he never got ready for this to happen, and that he truly loves me and he simply needed to invest energy with me "

She additionally clarified "He had the guts to inquire as to whether we could in any case be cool. I really lament not talking up ahead of schedule, this occurred in June this year."

Unilag Olodo's reaction?

The blogger did not deny knowing the woman but rather he said that;

"Assault is intense wrongdoing, and bogus allegation of assault is likewise intense wrongdoing. Other than regard this wrongdoing as online networking dramatization, I'll let Law requirement handle it "

