Friday 8 December 2017

POSTCOITAL BLEEDING: Reasons Why Ladies Bleed After Sexual Intercourse

There are many reasons why a lady may seep after sex. The therapeutic name for this is "postcoital bleeding".

In case you're concerned in light of the fact that you encounter vaginal bleeding after sex, look for counsel from your gynecologist or a sexual wellbeing clinic(genitourinary or GUM center). They will get some information about your restorative history and evaluate your side effects. They would then be able to prompt you if any treatment is required.

Reasons for bleeding after sex

Bleeding after sex can be an indication of a wellbeing condition:

* an infection, for example, pelvic fiery illness (PID), or a sexually transmitted infection (STI, for example, chlamydia

* vaginal dryness (atrophic vaginitis) caused by diminished vaginal emissions after the menopause

* harm to the vagina, for example, tears caused by labor, or by dryness or erosion amid sex cervical or endometrial polyps (favorable or non-cancerous developments in the womb or the covering of the cervix)

* cervical ectropion (otherwise called cervical disintegration), where there is an excited zone on the surface of the cervix

In uncommon cases, bleeding after sex can be an indication of cervical or vaginal cancer.

Tests and examinations

Contingent upon some other indications and your medicinal history, your gynecologist may suggest a few tests or examinations, for example,

* a pregnancy test (contingent upon your age)

* a pelvic examination (where the GP embeds two fingers into your vagina to feel for anything abnormal)

* taking a gander at the cervix with an instrument called a speculum

On the off chance that the issue is caused by vaginal dryness, they may prescribe that you take a stab at utilizing greasing up gels.

You may likewise be alluded to a master, for example, a gynecologist or genitourinary pro.

