Tuesday 19 December 2017

My Husband Now Loves Our House Help

Hi Admin

My name is Juan Sam, a wedded mother of three. I have been hitched for a long time now however in the previous a half year, it appears I have lost my hubby to my housemaid as she has assumed control over my obligations and my husband does not see anything wrong in that.

I got the young lady, Thotu, a Togolese from an agent around two years prior after the introduction of my third kid, after my last house keeper left unceremoniously. As a career lady, I required somebody to enable take to care of my infant too do the tasks at home while I am away.

Thotu, in truth, is persevering and makes the house spic and traverse consistently and my kids appear to take her like a mother. She incorporated into the family unit effortlessly and essentially assumed control over the running of the home like cooking, washing and notwithstanding pressing my better half's garments.

My husband Sam, has dependably been somebody who is extremely hard to please yet in the event that you get into his good books, he would do everything conceivable to demonstrate his appreciation.

At to start with, he griped about Thotu doing for all intents and purposes everything in the house including cooking and serving his meals however I let him know there is no reason to worry about it.

Much to my dismay I was burrowing my grave on the grounds that around a half year prior, he started to demonstrate more enthusiasm for Thotu and her undertakings. He got her new wears and even volunteered to take her to the market and the salon to make her hair.

With time, he quit eating any nourishment I plan, favoring Thotu to cook for him. I turned out to be more than stressed when sex turned into a chore and extremely exhausting with him. I asked him a few times whether I have annoyed him in at any rate yet he said there was no reason to worry about it.

Notwithstanding sitting together as a couple turned sour. At that point one night, everything went to the fore when he got out Thotu's name while we were having intercourse.

When I stood up to him on that, he let me know evidently that he was infatuated with her and would happily make her his second wife. When I undermined to send her away, ho let me know evidently never to examine, for example, I will rather be the one to go.

I think this Togo young lady has given my husband an adoration elixir(love portion) and I don't comprehend what to do.

Please can someone out there help me out?


Dear readers, we ask: what would you do if you are in Helen's shoes?

