Wednesday 13 December 2017

Miraculous Healing Benefits of Corn Silk

Ponder no more on the grounds that the corn silk has various mending properties which incorporates controlling high glucose levels ( Hyperglycemia).

We realize that High glucose prompts a considerable measure of illnesses like diabetes, stroke, and kidney issues, however taking corn silk tea helps those with glucose issues since corn silk tea helps insulin age in the human body. Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas that enables your body to utilize sugar (glucose) from starches in the nourishment that you eat for vitality or to store glucose for sometime later. Insulin helps keeps your glucose level from getting too high (hyperglycemia) or too low (hypoglycemia).

Other Health advantages of Corn Silk are: 

Treats Urinary Tract Infections

Fills in As A Diuretic Agent

Keeps Kidney Stones At Bay

Encourages Blood Clotting

Brings down Blood Pressure

Mends Inflammatory Ailments And Conditions.

Wellspring Of Vitamin C

Helps Fight Obesity

Alleviates Skin Pigmentation Issues

Parities Mineral Levels In The Body

Encourages Recovery From Edema


The corn silk is the stringy stuff you get once you remove the greenish cover encompassing the corn cob. You can utilize it in both new and dried forms. You have to haul out the brilliant green strands off the corn and store them in a pot. On the off chance that you need to store them new, place them in an impermeable compartment and store it in the cooler. It goes on for a little while along these lines. In light of the climate, you may need to totally dry the silk for a couple of days, after which it can be put away for quite a while.


This is the standard technique. You will require fixings like:

Dry or crisp corn silk


Lemon juice

You should bubble water for some time.When it begins bubbling, drop the dried or crisp silk atop.Let it bubble for a couple of minutes and soak for a couple of minutes.This will transform into a dark colored tinted caramel-like fluid. Strain and serve the tea. You may have it both icy and warm. A few people lean toward adding lemon juice to add to the taste and kind of this tea. Remaining tea can be kept in the fridge for a couple of days.


You should be cautious about the odds of corn silk communicating with particular medications. This is on the grounds that the utilization of corn silk decreases glucose levels. The same happens when you utilize particular diabetes drugs. On the off chance that you utilize both in the meantime, your glucose levels may fall horrifyingly, which isn't alluring. The same can be said in regards to those adapting to hypertension. Individuals who have glucose in high sums or are managing raised circulatory strain levels should take this tea in the wake of counseling a doctor.

On the off chance that you are utilizing blood diminishing medications, taking this tea will lessen their adequacy.

