Wednesday 13 December 2017

Man Machetes His Wife for Delaying his food

The Niger State Police Command has captured a 50-year-old man, Bamaiyi Tanko, for supposedly killing his spouse, Auta.   As indicated by the police, Tanko, who hails from Maigoge Village in the Mariga Local Government Area of Niger State, supposedly hacked Auta, his spouse of 10 years, to death following a squabble.   Tanko, as indicated by the police, hid the cutlass he supposedly used to execute his significant other into an adjacent hedge in his offer to conceal the wrongdoing.

The Niger State Police Command has captured a 50-year-old man, Bamaiyi Tanko, for supposedly killing his spouse, Auta.

As indicated by the police, Tanko, who hails from Maigoge Village in the Mariga Local Government Area of Niger State, supposedly hacked Auta, his spouse of 10 years, to death following a squabble.

Tanko, as indicated by the police, hid the cutlass he supposedly used to execute his significant other into an adjacent hedge in his offer to conceal the wrongdoing.

In a visit with us on Tuesday, Tanko said his late spouse kept him from sustenance for five days, including that he assaulted her in the warmth of a contention.

"My better half was attached to not giving me sustenance on time and when I whined, she would manhandle me. She never gave me sustenance each time I requested it.

"She even asked my 10-year-old little girl to manhandle me since I was requesting nourishment," Tanko said.

Lamenting the occurrence that prompted his better half's demise, in any case, Tanko said it was crafted by the demon and exhorted men to dependably hold their outrage under control.

The presume argued for pardoning.

"I am sad, to a great degree sorry for what happened; it was crafted by the demon and I supplicate my in-laws would discover a place in their souls to excuse me. I lament every one of my activities," he said.

The acting Police Public Relations Officer in Niger, Peter Sunday, said Tanko had just been charged to court.

