Tuesday 12 December 2017

5 Practical Things Ladies Do To Avoid Pregnancy After Having Sex

What Ladies Will Do To Avert Pregnancy(ies)

They say ladies are more terrified of getting pregnant than contracting HIV/Aids. I don't know about the validness of the announcement, but rather you get the point.

Ladies will go at additional lengths to guarantee they don't get pregnant. This is a reality, since time immemorial, ladies have been utilizing strange approaches to abstain from getting pregnant, S-xually Transmitted Infection's aside.

Here are portions of the odd things they do to appreciate s-x without getting pregnant.

1. Coca cola

Indeed, clearly the Coca cola drink extinguishes the typical thirst as well as kills sperms, as indicated by online myths. 

A lady is required to douche after sexual intercourse, the carbon in the pop should be powerful in avoiding pregnancy. 

Ladies are as yet utilizing this technique to date. I think this is an ideal formula for a yeast infection.

They say ladies are more terrified of getting pregnant than contracting HIV/Aids. I don't know about the validness of the announcement, but rather you get the point.   Ladies will go at additional lengths to guarantee they don't get pregnant. This is a reality, since time immemorial, ladies have been utilizing strange approaches to abstain from getting pregnant, S-xually Transmitted Infection's aside.   Here are portions of the odd things they do to appreciate s-x without getting pregnant.

2. Honey

Applying honey on your 'vee-jay' can avert pregnancy. The honey will change the corrosiveness(acidity) of the vagina, making it difficult for the sperm to swim to the egg. 

In antiquated Egypt, ladies added crocodile feace  to the honey before applying the blend. 

This equitably screams yeast disease.

They say ladies are more terrified of getting pregnant than contracting HIV/Aids. I don't know about the validness of the announcement, but rather you get the point.   Ladies will go at additional lengths to guarantee they don't get pregnant. This is a reality, since time immemorial, ladies have been utilizing strange approaches to abstain from getting pregnant, S-xually Transmitted Infection's aside.   Here are portions of the odd things they do to appreciate s-x without getting pregnant.

3. Wheeze and Squat

Promptly after s-x, a lady is required to squat the wheeze. This development is said to constrain out each and every sperm from the lady's veejay.

In old Greek, doctors prescribed ladies to do this to shake the sperm out before fertilization takes place.

Ladies were likewise encouraged to hop up and down, and kick their feet against their bums, to avert getting pregnant.

They say ladies are more terrified of getting pregnant than contracting HIV/Aids. I don't know about the validness of the announcement, but rather you get the point.   Ladies will go at additional lengths to guarantee they don't get pregnant. This is a reality, since time immemorial, ladies have been utilizing strange approaches to abstain from getting pregnant, S-xually Transmitted Infection's aside.   Here are portions of the odd things they do to appreciate s-x without getting pregnant.

4. Sex and Periods

It is dirty, I know.

Turns out, ladies appreciate s-x amid their periods.

To include onto the natural grease, it is said odds of a lady getting pregnant right now are near nil.

On the off chance that you went to a  biology class, at that point you know this is a lie.

They say ladies are more terrified of getting pregnant than contracting HIV/Aids. I don't know about the validness of the announcement, but rather you get the point.   Ladies will go at additional lengths to guarantee they don't get pregnant. This is a reality, since time immemorial, ladies have been utilizing strange approaches to abstain from getting pregnant, S-xually Transmitted Infection's aside.   Here are portions of the odd things they do to appreciate s-x without getting pregnant.

5. Taking of Painkiller after sexual intercourse

It should be as straightforward as ABC, ingest painkillers in the wake of having s-x.

What is the most noticeably bad thing that may happen, likely ingest enough to overdose yourself and really fall sick.

NOTE: condoms, contraceptives or abstinence are still the best way of preventing pregnancy(ies), The above mentioned are myths.

